22 February 2019

Titles of Nobility

So Scott Anderson recently put up a post on the different titles of nobility used for his setting, and I wanted to look at how that corresponds to the rules in the Companion set. I will be taking most of this info from pg 11 of the Dungeon Masters Companion: Book Two.

First off here is Scott's list:

Country Bastard
Life Lord
Prince/Grand Prince/Grand Duke/Archduke

The List in the companion book is as follows:


There is also mention of Jarls and Earls equivalent to independent Counts, and Emirs equivalent to Kings.

This list is further broken down into Nobility and Royalty. Royalty beginning at Archduke as a relative of the King, but not in his immediate family.

Comparing the descriptions of the titles between the two lists, they essentially describe the same thing, with the exception of the Marquis and the Viscount. The Viscount is completely missing from Scott's List and the Marquis is different in both the hierarchical order and description.

Essential to the titles in the Companion Set are the number of other Dominions ruled. A Baron rules his dominion directly. A Viscount rules over his own Dominion and the dominion of another baron who is his vassal. A viscount must conquer another barony to become a Count. A count must conquer at least one dominion to become a marquis. A marquis must add more dominions(not necessarily by conquest) to become a duke. So there is established some rules for PCs to advance from one title to another like so:
Baron = 1 Barony
Viscount = 2 Baronies
Count = 3+ Baronies
Marquis = 4+ Baronies
Duke = 5+ Baronies

It is also noted that each title must be granted by a higher ranking noble, and these are just the minimum requirements to qualify for a title.

Let's talk about the Marquis a little bit. I think the ranking in hierarchy in the companion set is a little more accurate. Scott's description is more historically accurate, but as I understand it the marquis was directly answerable to the King. Charlemagne established a few marches. I know there was the Italian march on the east side of the Apennines who grew to be quite powerful among the Italian Lords. there was also the Spanish March around the Pyrenees and I think there may have been a few on the eastern borders of the empire. I also think there was a Welsh March and maybe an Irish March under the Normans. I'm not sure about those last ones, i'd have to look it up. However, I am fairly certain that both the Frankish and Norman Marquis or March Lords were granted this territory in addition to whatever they already had, so Charlemagne would have appointed one his Dukes(or Doux) as a Marquis to guard the Spanish border, and William would have appointed a Baron as Marquis in the Welsh March. And even if that lord was subordinate to another(a count to a duke) they reported directly to the King concerning the March which they ruled directly. So in that sense the title of Marquis is equivalent to Duke.  But then again, the King could have Dukes, and counts, and Baron all as direct vassals. I think these titles differentiate less of a hierarchy and act more as gauge of individual power.

So how to put all this together for a campaign? I like Scott's descriptions, yet I also think the gamification of the Companion set is useful. If a PC gains a dominion it's important to define what title accompanies that dominion and how he can rise in status. It is also important to keep these titles historically grounded and have them defined for each region/nation in your campaign setting. The standards in the Companion set also can help the players when they meet an NPC noble to know exactly what kind of power they are dealing with. I do like the extension of Scott's list below the Baron, though this will have to be tailored to the individual setting. For any setting I design in the Future I think will use modified descriptions based on Scott's and keep the minimum qualifications from the Companion rules, with the exception of the Marquis. Maybe change the marquis qualification to having another title already and a close relationship with the King.

03 February 2019

Religion of the Cleric: 4th Level Spells

Continuing my discussion of how Clerical magic can help us understand his religious beliefs. In this post I come across some interesting implications. The Deity which the Cleric worships may be the creator of life in the universe.

The OD&D Cleric
Analysis of Level 1 Spells
Analysis of Level 2 Spells
Analysis of Level 3 Spells
Analysis of Level 5 Spells
Analysis of Level 6 Spells
Analysis of Level 7 Spells

Animate Dead
This spell allows the caster to make animated, enchanted skeletons or zombies from normal skeletons or dead bodies within range. These animated undead creatures will obey the cleric until they are destroyed by another cleric or a dispel magic spell. For each level of the cleric, one Hit Die of undead may be animated. A skeleton has the same Hit Dice as the original creature, but a zombie has one Hit Die more than the original. Character levels are not counted (the remains of a 9th level thief would be animated as a zombie with 2 HD). Animated creatures do not have any spells, but are immune to sleep and Cham effects and poison.
     Lawful clerics must take care to use this spell only for good purpose. Animating the dead is usually a Chaotic act.

This seems to be explicitly an evil spell, or in other words a spell used by those who fight against the Church. This is clearly a desecration of the dead, meaning the Church respects the dead and generally wants to leave them to 'rest in peace.' What constitutes a good purpose, and how would a good Cleric justify the use of this spell? Possibly as guardians of an artifact or tomb or some other sacred ground. I really can't think of any other 'good purpose' for a cleric to use this spell.

Create Water
With this spell, the cleric summons forth an enchanted spring from the ground or a wall. The spring will flow for an hour, creating enough water for 12 men and their mounts (for that day, about 50 gallons). For each of the cleric’s levels above 8, water for twelve additional men and mounts is created.

This is direct evidence that the Church and the Deity worshiped by the Cleric gives life to supplicants. Water is not just representative of life, but also a literally necessary to sustain life. with this a 36th level cleric could provide water for 348 men and 348 horses with a single spell, and he could do this nine time in a single day if necessary. A single high level cleric could provide water for an army in a desert; this is very reminiscent of Moses and the Israelites.

Cure Serious Wounds
This spell is similar to a cure light wounds spell, but will cure one creature of 4-14 points of damage (2d6 + 2). 
     The reverse of this spell, cause series-wound, causes 4-14 points of damage to any creature or character touched (no Saving Throw). The caster must make a normal Hit roll to cause the serious wound.

The Church is a source of healing to believers. The Cleric doesn't just preach a message of healing, but literally heals the wounded. And the enemies of the Church will do the opposite. Evil Clerics will bring pain and injury instead. There is stark contrast between these two philosophies.

Dispel Magic
This spell destroys other spell effects in a cubic volume of 20’ x 20’ x 20‘. It does not affect magic items. Spell effects created by a caster (whether cleric, magic-user, or elf) of a level equal to or lower than the caster of the dispel magic are automatically and immediately destroyed. Spell effects created by a higher level caster might not be affected. The chance of failure is 5% per level of difference between the casters. For example, a 7th level cleric trying to dispel a web spell cast by a 9th level magic-user would have a 10% chance of failure.

Interestingly this implies that the Church not only has greater power than secular magic-users, but is also opposed to them. This spell does not specify any type or class of magic that is dispelled; all magic within range is affected indiscriminately. Apparently the Church claims to have the right to choose where and when magic is allowed to be practiced. I would envision a dogmatic enforcement of a ban against non-clerical magic in most urban centers.

Neutralize Poison
This spell will make poison harmless either in a creature, a container (such as a bottle), or on one object (such as a chest). It will even revive a victim slain by poison if cast within 10 rounds of the poisoning! The spell will affect any and all poisons present at the time it is cast, but does not cure any damage (and will thus not revive a poisoned victim who has died of wounds). 
     The reverse of this spell, create poison, may be cast, by touch, on a creature or container. It cannot be cast on any other object. A victim must make a Saving Throw vs. Poison or be immediately slain by the poison. If cast on a container, the contents become poisoned; no Saving Throw applies, even for magical containers or contents (such as potions). Poisoning is usually a Chaotic act.

So this again reinforces the idea of a message of healing. I think it also speaks to an idea of purification. Something that was unclean or dangerous now becomes purified and harmless. and the reverse for evil Clerics reinforces the idea that the enemies of the Church bring death to others.

Protection from Evil 10’ Radius
This spell creates an invisible magical barrier all around the caster, extending 10’ in all directions. The spell serves as protection from “evil” attacks (attacks by monsters of an alignment other than the caster’s). Each creature within the barrier gains a + 1 to all Saving Throws, and all attacks against those within are penalized by -1 to the attacker’s Hit roll while the spell lasts.
     In addition, “enchanted” creatures cannot attack those within the barrier hand-to-hand. Enchanted creatures can attack with missile or magical attacks however. An “enchanted” creature is any creature that is magically summoned, animated or controlled (as with a charm spell) or can only be hit by a magical weapon. Creatures that can be hit by silver weapons are not enchanted.
     If anyone within the barrier attacks an enchanted creature, the barrier will no longer prevent the creature from attacking hand-to-hand, but the bonus to Saving Throws and penalty to Hit rolls will still apply.

The Deity worshiped by the Cleric provides protection to his followers. Also enchanted creatures are enemies of the Church. Because the extra effect against enchanted creatures only applies if the Cleric doesn't attack implies a generally pacifistic Deity. He will protect his followers as long as they act peacefully.

Speak with Plants
This spell enables the cleric to talk to plants as if they were intelligent. A simple favor may be requested, and will be granted if it is within the plants’ power to understand and perform. This spell may be used to allow the cleric and party to pass through otherwise impenetrable undergrowth. It will also allow communication with plantlike monsters (such as treants).

This reinforces the Deity as one connected with the natural world. It also implies that plant life is sentient (though not necessarily sapient), and can voluntary move. Very reminiscent to the forest which traveled a great distance in The Lord of the Rings. In any case the Deity worshiped isn't exclusive to Humans, but also has a connection with the mundane plants and animals of the world. this may imply  the Deity created the world or this connection might come from another source.

Sticks to Snakes
This spell turns 2-16 sticks into snakes (detailed below). The snakes may be poisonous (50% chance per snake). They obey the cleric’s commands, but will turn back into sticks when slain or when the duration ends.

This more than any other spell so far implies a power over life itself. The Deity, and therefore his followers, can cause an inanimate object to come to life(if only briefly). This requires a complete restructuring of atoms and molecules, and maybe the creation of new atoms that would be present in a living snake, but not in a stick of wood. This is very interesting. I think this spell really requires us to think about who this Deity is and the source of his power/abilities. It is extremely likely that if this Deity did not create the world, he very possibly created life itself.