16 October 2010: The New Peoples

we return to the forest. near the gorge we find some obsidian spear heads, 2 were broken, one had a staff lashed on it, but the shaft was broken. we find some drops of dried blood. we find several tracks and they all head south. the river goes into a wooded valley. we can see a path that has been made by breaking down the trees and wildlife. the path is 10 ft wide. there is blood on the broken trees. we hear a scream. we find a large 10 ft high pile of meat. we look up and see a 6ft tall lizard hanging on a tree. we approach the pile of meat and find it is a giant skinned lizard. . we see that the lizard in the tree has leather armor on. the pile of meat collapses down to 4 ft tall. Colomair jumps on it and sinks inside it. sees it has been gutted on the inside and all that is left are the bones and muscle. we find some broken obsidian spears. one part of the body was cut open an entrance to gut it. we follow some tracks and feel the earth shake. we see a giant lizard eating the pile we just left. another giant lizard comes and fights the first. we leave and follow the tracks. we find a lizard in leather. he talks to us in a dialect of draconic. he asks why we are her, we tell him we are explorers. we follow him for 2/3 of a mile and come to a clearing with a large crescent shaped structure 100 ft in diameter. there is a large fire pit in the center. we ask about them and the large lizards. the big creatures are their enemy, they have to be careful of them. other big creatures are friendly herbivores. their leather is made from the lizards like t-rexs. we talk to their leader, he looks at us and sees how small we are. their young children come and play with our stuff. one of them wants Colomair‘s flail. ask about the other primate creatures. find they have large obsidian daggers. the obsidian will not shatter. they get the obsidian from the mountains. the unworked obsidian looks like a smooth spherical granite stone. Colomair sets up a forge and makes a flail and a mace. the broken obsidian heads will shatter or break in the mouth of a t-rex. they give us some special types of poison. Christianus Smith tries to make glass out of the obsidian sand left after working a stone. it works. the glass is super thick and heavy. we reques that one of the lizardmen will come with us. they send a young one that created an atlatl. as we are leaving he jumps up in the trees and follows us. we feel the ground shake and hide in the trees. a stegosaurus walks by. we keep going, find out gorge is sacred ground, a huge battle occurred there, find many broken spear pieces. we return to the dwarven kingdom and then reach manikak and show the scientists the granite/obsidian stone. the chief minister of culture comes and interviews the lizard man. they call themselves the truadon. there approximately 50 other tribes. they fight the flying humanoids from the north. we travel to Gukak and introduce to council. the new marhu(since Draco went back to his world) is Clarence’s apprentice. we learn that our territory “landed” on top of the previous landscape and we destroyed 10 truadon tribes. they seem interested in joining the federation. they want to establish trade. we send the truadon youngster home via eagle flight.

we receive word that some orcs began a keep in the northwest. eagles drop us off north of our territory. we find the orcs are trying to establish a mine. any buildings they erect are mysteriously destroyed in the middle of the night. the sun doesn’t seem to set here we are so far north. we inspect the demolished buildings. we stay up in the night to watch. we wait at the top of a ridge above the buildings. huginn tries to rob Colomair who ties him up and hangs him on the edge of a cliff. at midnight all the buildings fall apart at the same time. we feel some magic happening. we see a heat source in the air 1000 ft up. we call to him and he flies away. elroy hits it with a magic missile. he starts falling. then starts rising in the air. Colomair throws huginn at him. then he starts to cast a spell and Colomair spits a pebble at him which interrupts his spell. while huginn is in air he hits him with dart and then is abl to grab on to him. they fall. he has the face of a bat the feet of an eagle, wings of a bat. Colomair starts climbing down the cliff. ezuri hits him with a meteor storm and then he disappears. we heal huginn. the orcs celebrate and feed us. they start rebuilding. elroy finds a spear and are able to determine the direction the bat went. we request eagles for help. the eagles are going to bring a mage to guard the mine. in the mine we find human skulls of pure gold. and the obsidian stones and red colored quartz. we let the orcs know that the obsidian rock can be used as a weapon and make impenetrable glass.

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