18 December 2009: The Elven Secession

in the council an ambassador arrives from alphatia. acceptance of wartime alliance. wendar agrees to harass the fleets of thyatia and protect our southern border. war tactics are discussed. a decision is reached to send a special forces squad to assassinate the emperor.

the squad goes to the wizard’s mtn and asks the wizard to teleport the emperor to them. Ug Lee eats a snake. The emperor appears in the room with his feet tied to the ceiling. Rav cuts the rope tying him and Ug Lee attacks the emperor. ug gets to smell the wizards arm pit in exchange for getting teleported back to the council chambers. the orc councilors start worshiping Ug Lee because he brought the emperor and is awesome! Naglfar yells for silence and everyone calms down. omar suggests we turn emperor over to Johnny Strongman who uses his ring of communication to contact Ryan the Druid. Johnny Strongman offers the emperor an ultimatum to send a message of peace to his empire or face imprisonment. a message is sent to thyatis for the senate to travel to the federation and rule from within our country until they prove trustworthy. the emperor is given permission to negotiate the end of war with alphatia via their ambassador in the federation.

other finacnial matters are discussed and voted on. a blockade of thyatis is formed with the help of alphatia’s navy. they are given permission to seize or board any thyatian ship. a flag is begun design by Naglfar and the inister of culture.

the special forces squad goes to the elven forest because we have lost contact with the elves. they are looking for the elven governor and follow a path into the forest. they meet some elves and are led to the governor. the elves have decided to secede from the federation. they speak to some influential elves and are able to remove the governor from power. they return to Gorlens and the old governor is reinstated. the ex-governor is put on trial, possibly receiving the death penalty. Naglfar and Ug Lee hang and then draw and quarter the elf.

Johnny Strongman talks to the emperor after finding out there are thyatian troops in the elven forest. Ug Lee gets a date with hobgoblin chick on the council. an attack is planned against the thyatian legion. they plan to surround the forest and send in the special forces to locate the legion. they gather some mages and ambush the legion.

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