29 February 2008: The Hobgoblin Alliance

10 men, 13 wome, and 20 children survived the sacking of Danan. when they were attacked, they sent 2 men to get help. 100 hobgoblins swarmed the village, took 20 women captive, and marched north into the forest. we travel west into the mountains to hunt for the leader of the hobgoblins, who was a deserter from the empire. while traveling, we spy a group of 50 hobgoblins asleep, and then spot another 100 in a different place. we ambush the 100, kill 40 of them and the rest run away. we loot the camp. we talk to the 50 hobgoblins that were asleep. they are deserters of the southern hobgoblins. they say the deserter has made an alliance with Arshak to crush the valley empire. the 50 hobgoblins agree to help kill the deserter. receive a message that the valley had a huge storm which flooded many villages and fields. we disguise ourselves in the armor of the dead hobgoblins and travel to the hobgoblin capitol. we infiltrate the camp and tell a herald we are representatives of tribe hobgobla-khan and come to see the leader of the hobgoblins. when we enter his tent, we kill the deserter. 5 guards come rushing in and we rush out of a hole in the tent. we climb onto a mountain side and watch the aftermath. the shaman zyfangar assumes authority. we return during the chaos and confusion. later we receive message from eagle that an orc army of 2000 attacked outside the fortress. our army lost 100 humans and 200 hobgoblins. we killed their general and 1250 orcs and captured 250 orcs. we meet with Zyfangar, he joins forces with us to kill Arshak. in one week we can have 2000 of their hobgoblins trained and in one month there will be 8000 more trained. we take the 2000 hobgoblins to the valley and train them. we plan on counter attacking the orcs.

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