Federation Constitution

Constitution of Dargunn


We the framers of this constitution hereby agree upon the necessity of a republican form of government in this region of Dargunn, in which a collection of provincial governments shall be tied by a federal authority. The purpose of this federal government is to provide protection from all enemies foreign and domestic, to guarantee functional civil institutions, to regulate commerce, to mint a national currency, to ensure the unity of all sentient beings within the domain of this federal government and to resolve domestic legal disputes. All other claimed functions of this government in future times is declared void.

Article i: The Council

Section 1:

the principle legislative body shall be composed of a chamber of councilors, who shall be of at least 30 years of age if members of the human or goblinoid races, and at least of 100 years if of the elfin or dwarf races. These councilors shall be drawn from three constituencies. There shall be:

representatives from the ministries, wherein one councilor will be selected by the head of that respective ministry, and can be replaced once a year with no limit of terms.

representatives from the bureau of the people, or popular representatives, who shall be elected by the bureau of the people for life unless recalled by the bureau of the people or until he desires retirement.

and representatives of the several regions, who are appointed by their respective governors, and can be replaced once a year with no limit of terms.

The number of Popular Representatives of the people shall equal the number of regional representatives.

Section 2:

this council shall be presided over by the marhu. The latter has no vote, but conducts the meetings and ensures its orderly conduct. Other functions of the marhu concerning the council are:

proposals of compromises when otherwise unsolvable disputes arise

saving the time of the council by carrying out lesser military functions, in the stead of a declaration of war.

to appoint the chief ministers. He may do this independently of the will of the council, unless otherwise specified.

The marhu is elected by the council every five years by a majority of three quarters, with no limit of terms. If there are more than two qualified candidates, a general election shall be held, after which the two leading candidates will qualify for a runoff election. If neither candidate receives more than three quarters of the votes, then the bureau of the people shall elect the marhu by a majority in like manner.

Section 3:

the general powers of the council are to create, fund, or endorse companies or corporations, to declare war and maintain national defense, to tax, to settle disputes between regions, and to protect the welfare of the federation.

The council may do this by enacting resolutions. These resolutions are treated as second only to the constitution, and are divided into two kinds: permanent resolutions, which are passed with a two thirds majority, and orderly resolutions, which are passed by a simple majority. Permanent resolutions pertain to the government structure, while orderly resolutions are orders given to groups or individuals, such as a ministry or Regional Government.

Article II: the ministry

Section 1:

a ministry is the bureaucratic institution in charge of implementing the government’s policy concerning their respective fields. They can be created or dissolved by a three quarters majority vote by the council. The chief minister of each ministry presides over that ministry, and is appointed by the marhu.

Section 2:

the ministries represent the national interest, and are superior to a regional government’s laws. They are to obey orderly resolutions given by the council, and enact regulations which, if found unnecessary or contrary to council goals, may be removed by the council through an orderly resolution.

Section 3:

these are the ministries that shall be enacted immediately after the ratification of this constitution.

The ministry of State:

This department deals with all matters of international affairs. The personnel of the department is to include its liaison to the council, a diplomat for each foreign country with an embassy present, a secretary, and all other personnel viewed as necessary.

The ministry of the armed forces:

The chief minister of this ministry shall be called the ihesh. Under the ihesh shall be commandants, each of whom shall command ten generals. These generals shall command ten captains each. Each captain shall command two sergeants. Each sergeant shall command five corporals, and each corporal shall command ten warriors. Liaisons and staff may be employed as necessary, but their employment is advised not to be either in excess or in negligence.

The ministry of trade:

The duties of this ministry are: to mint a national currency, to regulate inflation, and to monitor the welfare of the domestic economy. It has the right to collect taxes and impose duties and tariffs with the consent of the council. The economy shall be capitalistic, yet no commodity may be produced within the borders of the nation by a foreign company or corporation. The chief minister of the economy shall appoint a chief minister of each region who shall in turn appoint enforcers and tax collectors and other necessary personnel. The chief minister shall also appoint a liaison to the council.

The ministry of infrastructure:

This ministry is in charge of all federal infrastructure projects. The head of the ministry is the chief engineer, who shall monitor the progress of projects according to their relative importance. He shall have a secretary, and shall delegate local administrative powers to lesser administrators, who shall commission engineers, laborers, artisans, and all other posts most necessary to complete projects. The chief engineer shall also appoint a liaison to the council.

The ministry of justice:

this ministry is established to uphold, enforce, and delegate the justice of the people. the chief judge is the head of the ministry. A Court is a broad term for the members present and the process of a trial, including witnesses, accusers, defenders, their respective counsel, and the High Judge. The high Judge meaning the specific Judge ruling over a case. After a case is presented In a court the Judge may decide how it fits within the regional law and mete out punishment or compensation as prescribed in the regional Law. The lowest courts shall be the tribal courts, who shall oversee all local cases. Above them are the regional courts, who shall oversee all regional cases. There shall also be one court of appeals in each region, which shall decide whether the merits of a case are worthy to grant an appeal to a higher court. Presiding shall be The chief judge, who shall oversee all constitutional or inter-regional cases. Only real cases involving real people, laws, property, and statutes may be brought to any court. The Marhu with the approval of the council shall select the chief judge who shall in turn appoint the regional judges, and the regional judges shall select the tribal judges. Any judge may be removed by a higher judge. The chief judge shall choose a liaison who will represent the interests of the judiciary ministry. Each tribe must have a police force designated to enforce the law under the supervision of the district judges.

The ministry of culture:

the chief function of this ministry is to ensure the unity of all sentient beings, This includes the establishment of means to encourage societal tolerance and equality of opportunity. The ministry of culture will oversee all sports and national war games. The ministry shall also handle all voting among the populace. The ministry shall be headed by a chief minister, who shall delegate administrative powers accordingly. He shall appoint a liaison to the council and shall also appoint a secretary. There shall be regional informants as well as tribal informants, who shall report on the well being of equality and tolerance within a tribe or region.

Article III: governors and regional governments

section 1:

a governor, who shall be the head of a regional Government, of a region will be elected by the regional bureau of the people every five years. Governors cannot employ or hire private armies. Governors must appoint a liaison to the council.

Section 2:

regional governments have the right to:

tax, create or build internal projects, and create statutory, criminal, and civil law. They cannot have a standing regional army. All regional governments must submit to the authority of the federal ministries. Extradition shall be the standard rule of law for all regions. Each Region Must Submit a Constitution to be approved by the council upon their induction to the federation.

Section 3:

a newly acquired parcel of land must either be annexed by its adjacent region or may be established as an entirely new region as Decided by the council.

Article IV: bureau of the people

section 1:

every member of each tribe shall participate in the election of a representative, called a mayor, each year with a plurality of votes. These mayors compose the federal bureau of the people. A regional bureau of the people consists of the mayors of the districts within the region.

Section 2:

mayors are not paid by the federal government. Their role is to petition and advise the government. They take part in recalls and amendments to the constitution. A recall may be started by obtaining fifty per cent of the collective bureau’s signatures to put a vote on the ballot. For a member of the council to be recalled, a ninety per cent majority vote of the bureau must be in favor of the recall. A recall of a governor must obtain a three fourths majority vote of the bureau in order to be enacted. Governors may only be recalled by the regional bureau of the people. To vote on constitutional amendments, a three fourths majority vote of the bureau in favor of the amendment must be obtained in order for it to be written.

Article V: citizenship

section 1:

after three years of residency, an individual may take a test created by the ministry of culture which has been approved by the council, in order to obtain citizenship. additionally any individual residing within the federation at the time of the approval of this document will become a citizen immediately.

Section 2:

the federation of darguun guarantees all citizens the following privileges within the domain of the federation. Non citizens are withheld from these privileges.

Protected and open travel;

freedom to worship and follow a chosen religion, unless certain practices infringe upon the lives of other people or the rights of citizens;

Freedom to bear arms unless the bureau of the people designates a rebellion by a three fourths majority vote;

Freedom to vote;

Habeas corpus, which is a gaurantee of due process. When a citizen is arrested he may request a writ of habeus corpus, which states the charges for which the citizen was arrested. This writ must be granted upon request. If a judge fails to supply this writ he will be removed from office;

freedom of speech;

right to a fair and speedy trial In which There is a compulsory process to obtaining witnesses and Defendants have the right to a public trial;

Freedom to assemble, unless in an act of rebellion designated by the bureau of the people by a three fourths majority;

Freedom of association, though Individuals may be convicted of crime because of association;

Right to council in felony cases;

Right against self-incrimination;

Right to confront a witness;

No forced quartering of soldiers is permitted in households;

right to petition for a redress of grievances;

No ex post facto, which is the retroactive application of new laws;

no bills of attainder;

no titles of nobility, in other words, no man is above another or the law;

no religious test oaths shall be required to hold a federal office;

Right to free trade;

right to private property;

Eminent domain, which is the right of the federation to use private land for public purposes, shall only be enforced if approved by an orderly resolution of the council;

right to organize into a corporation for the purpose of profit;

And the Right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.

This constitution is hereby put into effect by the agreement of the various regional leaders:

Redbeard of the dwarves

Arnog of the mountain hobgoblins

elder woden of the goat herders

raa of the eagles

gruk of the northern forest orcs

belldevere redcloak of the city

ryan, johnny, and rav of the hobgoblin empire

Amendment 1: if the marhu cannot perform his duties, he shall appoint a temporary replacement for no longer than one year, at which time he must resume his duties or resign.

Amendment 2: If, in the process of passing a resolution in the council, a tie vote is obtained, then the marhu may cast a vote.

Amendment 3: The council, once war is declared, may not dictate military strategies to the Ihesh of the armed forces concerning the war, for the duration of the war.

Amendment 4: Any of the rights, privileges, or powers given to the regions or the ministries and not specifically given to the council is excluded from the powers of the council.

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