
Midark: 2,015 Humans, 5860 Hobgoblins, 340 Kobolds, 570 Goblins

Government: A council of patriarchs votes as representative of their family, with one of the patriarchs acting as the Chief. A shaman will be assigned to advise the chief. The chief, along with support from the patriarchs governs the tribe. When a person is accused of breaking the law, 14 family members, including the patriarch, and the judge decide guilt or innocence, and the appropriate punishment. The governor is considered the chief of chiefs, with each chief acting as a patriarch would.

History: The tribe of Roohan had been in rivalry with the tribe of zodak until helped to conquer them in 1828AC by the founders. Until this time, every few years Ruhan would raid Turan. This constant raiding would provoke a small war every generation or so.

Zodac: 300 Hobgoblins, 50 Kobolds, 50 Goblins
Hudan: 65 Humans, 50 Goblins, 50 Kobolds
Gorac: 150 Hobgoblins, 50 Kobolds, 50 Goblins
Morhan: 325 Hobgoblins, 30 Goblins, 60 Kobolds
Akkac: 400 Hobgoblins, 20 Goblins, 20 Kobolds
Yuhan: 450 Hobgoblins, 20 Goblins, 20 Kobolds
Ockac: 1,250 Hobgoblins, 100 Goblins
Ghulac: 500 Hobgoblins, 50 Goblins
Deckac: 485 Hobgoblins, 70 Goblins
Snagahan: 645 Hobgoblins, 50 Humans, 20 Kobolds
Khohan: 355 Hobgoblins, 100 Goblins, 50 Kobolds, 50 Humans
Nahkac: 350 Hobgoblins
Turan: 975 Humans
Danan: 425 Humans
Ruran: 500 Humans
Pakak: 400 Hobgoblins, 30 Goblins, 20 Kobolds

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