16 June 2020

Interview: Equipment Packs for D&D

I've got all these Interviews recorded on Anchor, but I have yet to put any work into transcribing them(who has that kind of time?) So I finally caved  and used a paid transcription service, in this case otter.ai, and it actually worked pretty well, all I had to do is replace some places where we say letters like B4 or Pack A instead of standard words. This particular interview took place just last week, It's about the equipment packs pretty much all our characters had. When I get a chance to scan it, I will upload an image of the original pack list my Dad used.

Oh and you can listen to the Interview on Anchor

Lance Duncan  0:01 
Okay, um, so this episode, we were gonna go through module B4 because we had thought dad had run it for his adult group before you started running us for us kids. But it turns out he never ran B4. He just bought it and read it, intended to run it, and never actually played it. But I do have a couple of questions about it. So in B4 there are some on the back cover, there's a list of packs, the fast pack and there's also a list of packs in B3. I think somewhere else has it, but I don't know where. Um, so my question is, is this the first place you saw pack lists?

Bruce Duncan  0:48 
it most likely would be yes.

Lance Duncan  0:51 
Okay. And then I've also given you your list of, you have six packs packs a through what is If yes so, um did did you intend for the packs you made to be given to specific classes? Yes. Can you tell me which ones

Bruce Duncan  1:19 
Okay, pack A would be for almost anybody, just basic. I don't have enough money give me a Pack. pack B starting to get a little bit more specific. C? Still basically for anybody let's see okay. Pack C Okay pack C is where it gets starts to get more specific pack C is a thieves pack Pack D is a clerics pack

Lance Duncan  2:15 
it also has oh nevermind

Bruce Duncan  2:26 
pack E is a magicians pack and pack F is a high level clerics pack

Lance Duncan  2:40 
now did you.

Bruce Duncan  2:41 
 money what determines who got what pack?

Lance Duncan  2:45 
So did we automatically start with a pack? Did we get a choice?

Bruce Duncan  2:50 
I gave you an inheritance of money,

Lance Duncan  2:53 
right because you decided what pack you want because the default money is a 3d6 times 10 right and you subtracted the pack value from that?

Bruce Duncan  3:03 

Lance Duncan  3:03 
Okay. And and you gave that to people just so we didn't have to spend an hour looking over what equipment we wanted. Yeah.

Bruce Duncan  3:12 
I found when I was playing with my first group that it didn't make that big a difference because they all knew what they wanted everything right. But when you're getting with people that don't know, you know, it should be people who have never played

Lance Duncan  3:27 
Yeah, I've seen the same thing.

Bruce Duncan  3:30 
They don't know what to get, and they miss out on a lot of things because I didn't buy this. They didn't buy that.

Lance Duncan  3:36 
And they can just take a long time. Deciding

Bruce Duncan  3:38 
right, And so by generating packs of my own after looking at this B4 pack list. I found that it made the preparation go a lot faster.

Lance Duncan  3:57 
And what was it about the B4 packs that you Were unsatisfied with. Well, because for Pack C that's basically they made that for either a cleric or a thief, right. And the other ones just seemed general to

Bruce Duncan  4:13 
right. The one that was for the cleric or the thief got my attention. And I was thinking, why not just set it out one pack for cleric, one pack for a thief and have it more specifically to what a cleric would use. When would a cleric ever need iron spikes? You know,

Lance Duncan  4:40 

Bruce Duncan  4:40 
or 50 feet of rope. You know, it's nice to have but rare that you would ever use it as a cleric.

Lance Duncan  4:48 
Yeah. Yeah, and like, so like I made my own pack list. I don't think I made six. I think it was four or maybe five. I've actually made two different I made one back in the day when I was in high school DMing for DND? And then I made one more recently, um, for university. Um, but like I made ones, I made them specifically tailored to each class,

Bruce Duncan  5:18 

Lance Duncan  5:19 
And I made them because I couldn't find this piece of paper that has your packs on. Because I knew you had packs, but I didn't know what was in each pack.

Bruce Duncan  5:27 

Lance Duncan  5:27 
And whenever we asked when we played with you, you would just tell us you didn't give us the list,

Bruce Duncan  5:31 

Lance Duncan  5:32 

Bruce Duncan  5:33 
by that point, I'd gotten to the point where I knew this backwards and forwards.

Lance Duncan  5:36 
So so when I needed packs to give to my players, I made my own list.

Bruce Duncan  5:41 

Lance Duncan  5:42 
And honestly, I like your list better than any of the lists I made.

Bruce Duncan  5:45 
Like I said, I went through it very extensively.

Lance Duncan  5:48 
Well, in most cases, I might make a separate one for a magic user that's different than once you made? Because my magic usually list includes spell book with the price for the spell book.

Bruce Duncan  5:58 
oh. Okay. Yeah, cuz I figured that they would need to buy a spell book from the place where they're studying.

Lance Duncan  6:10 
Yeah, well you're supposed to start with spell book but yeah


anything else we have to say about the use of packs in the game?

Bruce Duncan  6:24 
My envision was the each pack had a different size and had different compartments and stuff. So it was like a day pack camping.

Lance Duncan  6:33 

Bruce Duncan  6:34 
It then you had your overnight pack. And then you had your compartmental pack. And then you had your what we now do for the military your grub sack.

Lance Duncan  6:49 
Yeah, yeah. i konw what you're talking about

Bruce Duncan  6:52 
You can put everything in there. You can carry it. One shoulder two shoulder Two different ways to carry it two shoulder or even one shoulder and you can fit everything in it. The more modern ones are compartmentalised. The older ones were not. And so all of those aberrations, were available in the packs that I got.

Lance Duncan  7:39 
I guess that's all my questions.  Yeah. for that. Alright, that's it for now.

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