08 February 2021

Religion of the Cleric Addendum: Church Organization and Practices

Based on my previous analyses of the cleric's religion in the Classic D&D game, and looking at different organized Judeo-Christian churches, I present the Church in the Holy Empire in the Known World or Mystara. First some definitions of different hierarchy within the church, then the duties and blessings owed and received by the different members of the church.

Roles within the Church

Emperor The head not only of the various principalities ruled by the empire, but also the head of the Church. The Emperor is a patriarch of the church, the first among equals. He presides over all ecumenical councils, appoints all bishops, and recognizes the status of other patriarchs. His role is mostly an honorary one, outside of his personal domain of the Diocese of Darokin he has little influence over the dioceses of other Patriarchs and Bishops.

Bishop The civil and religious governor of a diocese. The Bishop is an appointee to rule in the stead of a given patriarch, whether that patriarch be the Emperor himself or a lesser patriarch. Bishops are usually appointed in large cities of the empire. They are the chief judge of the civil courts of their diocese, and appoint all the lesser priests within the diocese, directing the doctrine these priests are to preach in their churches.

Patriarch The independent ruler of all aspects of a domain: religious, civil, and military. The Patriarch encompasses the roles of a Bishop and a king or general all into one person. He is for a intents and purposes a Priest-King. He runs the church and the courts, as a Bishop would, and raises fields armies in the field of battle and contends with rulers of other domains. If a Patriarch's domain is too large, he often appoints a bishop to rule over a portion of his realm.

Priest A member of the clergy who has been appointed by a patriarch or bishop to be judge over the courts of a specific church and to guide the faithful in that church.

Acolyte A lesser member of the clergy who assists the local priest or bishop or patriarch. Both men and women may join the clergy, though it is rare that a women becomes a patriarch or bishop.

Layman A faithful member of the Church, but not a member of the clergy.

Pagan A non-believer. People such as this are viewed as potential converts and simply ignorant through no fault of their own. The religions and sacrifices and other observances practiced by them are considered foolish traditions and superstitions. 

Infidel An enemy of the Church. This includes Heretics, former members of the Church who have been Excommunicated, conjured beings from other planes, and shamans or other practitioners of dark arts spreading pagan philosophies. Infidels are shown no mercy by the clergy of the Church, they are to be wiped from the face of the earth.

Alignment Defined

In the eyes of the Church, characters are classified as Clergy, Laymen, Pagan, or Infidel. These four categories should be used in place of Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic.

Practices of the Church


Tithes Each layman is expected to dedicate one tenth of his labors to the church, this can be done by literally working the church lands, or by paying a tenth of their income to the church in coin or in kind.

Worship The layman is expected to pray three times daily, morning, midday, and evening. They also must attend worship services conducted by a priest every seven days on Soladain. Attendance of services on other holy days are also required.

Conduct Laymen are expected to aspire to the seven virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, and charity; and avoid the seven deadly sins of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. No labor or business is to be conducted on Soladain. Neither should any of the faithful blaspheme against the Church, its clergy or God. Laymen are also forbidden from learning the 'magic' arts of the pagans. If a laymen sins they are required to confess to a priest and pay a penance as judged right by him.

Clerics must take vows of celibacy, and avoid all strong drink. Clerics also have a duty to preach the doctrine of the church wherever they find unbelievers, and to show no mercy to those who will not hear his words.


Clergy In his training a cleric is taught the Holy Tongue. The Cleric also is granted the ability to perform the miracles of the saints.

Laymen The average member of the church is given the blessings of the church in healing and protection as provided by the local priest. They are also given a proper burial on hallowed ground. The poor are given bread and water and shelter.

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