02 May 2023

Delvers and Denizens: Gnomes

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I reskin halflings and dwarves as different varieties of gnomes for reasons discussed here. Halflings are garden gnomes, dwarves are mountain gnomes, and regular old dnd gnomes are forest(also sometimes called hill) gnomes. I really haven't altered any of these classes all that much. Lets go through the minor details in my version of these classes: 

I didn't mention it when going over the elves, but I gave each demihuman class the same weapon mastery as fighters, which for my version of weapon mastery gives one new mastery at every level; with their level caps I see nonreason to restrict their fighting ability, demihuman adventurers are basically all fighters anyway. 

I also gave all gnomes what I'm calling the "Burrower" ability, which is just the old dwarven ability to detect underground construction; all gnomes get this because every type of gnome makes their homes underground, though their typical profession and lifestyle may differ they all live in burrowers underground. 

All gnomes also receive the same hearing bonus as elves, as they have always been depicted with pointy ears. I just felt that was more in line with any fiction depicting halflings, gnomes, or dwarves, they always have more acute senses than humans.

Garden Gnomes:  other than what is outlined above, they are the same as in the original BX rules. One thing to note is their lack of night vision(which I use instead of infravision for humanoids). This means they are diurnal like humans and work during the day, all other gnomes have night vision and thus are nocturnal, and so less encountered by men. Of all the gnomes, garden gnomes are the ones most often seen by the day-dwelling men of the surface.

Mountain Gnomes: I gave them the same bonus to ac as garden gnomes, because they may not be quite as small, they are still short and most of this sub species wont measure up to even the shortest men. I also gave them the Cleave fighter ability because of all the demihumans dwarves were always portrayed as the most ferocious and fighting-focused.

Forest Gnomes: I use the version presented in the OSE Advanced Genre rules almost verbatim. As with elves, gnomes get an inborn magic called fae sorcery with a modified spell list 

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