01 October 2024

Dave Arneson Game Day 2024

In honor of Dave Arneson day, October 1st, I ran a session with ties to blackmoor. This is what I shared this to the Piazza forums:

Reporting on my blackmoor related session I ran on the 25th. I might follow it up with something this Thursday, the 3rd.

The players were hanging out in the shady dragon inn in threshold enjoying their morning coffee when a meteor came streaking out of the sky and crashed into wind rush lake causing a huge wave.

The adventurers went to investigate and found a large object was floating in the middle of the lake. They borrowed a small boat from one of the fishermen that ply the lake. When they got closer they found the object was some sort of metallic vessel of a saucer shape. After investigating for a few minutes a hatch opened and a cyborg humanoid stepped out. They asked for help, but the adventurers told them to wait. The adventurers went back to shore and talked to the patriarch who told them to be cautious and they can negotiate in his name. So they went back and brought the cyborg to shore.

After further interaction the cyborg makes a request for several barrels of alcohol in order to repair their ship. The adventurers decide to be friendly and start arranging for the alcohol to be prepared to ferry across the lake to the cyborgs ship. One of the adventurers is given tour of the ship, learns there are 3 cyborgs in total and given a pretty bauble as payment. Meanwhile another adventurer is talking to the cyborg on shore and learns they are from a distant world but their ancestors once hailed from this world.

After all the adventurers are reunited on shore and the alcohol is ready to shipped over, they decide to ask more questions following up on a mention from the cyborgs of a "protection device." They learn that the cyborgs assumed all the people had personal protection devices that would protect them when the ship launches. They discover the launch of the ship would cause the entire valley, where threshold is, to be obliterated in an explosion and the cyborgs don't really care that this will happen as regular humans are "lower life forms." So a couple of the a adventures ferry over to the cyborg ship and confront the cyborgs there. They manage to toss one of the cyborgs into the lake where he is disabled and sinks to the bottom. They also toss some burning oil inside the hatchway of the ship which melts and disabled some of the control, the ship tilts to one side, water pours in through the open hat h and the ship also sinks to the bottom of the lake. When they return to to shore they discover the 3rd cyborg has disappeared without a trace and none of the local fisherman know where he went.

DM notes: the cyborgs are a modified version of the ooard from CM6. They are the descendants of a colony blackmoor established before the great rain of fire on the planet "Damocles" (the planet that eventually breaks up into the asteroid belt), which they call Aelos. The blackmoor colony isolated itself and focused on perfecting the technology of blackmoor over the last 4 millennia, to the point that they evolved to a point where the entire population are all clones and cybernetically enhanced

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