07 January 2019

Town Generator

I've been working on populating the town of Threshold in Karameikos, and at first couldn't decide which businesses should be in the town and what ratio should be business to home. So I have finally come to a solution which satisfies me for now. I created a tool using excel based on information from A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe and a few other random places. I based the numbers for adventurers on Alexis Smolensk's demographics posts. I made it so you can easily change the population of a city, both human and demi-human, to get results for different cities. This will make it much easier when I want to detail other cities I am planning to work on eventually.

Excel Town Generator

1 comment:

  1. Scott Anderson:
    I am able to access it but the numbers don’t seem to change. I only get one sheet as well.

    Lance Duncan:
    ok, I updated the link. If you are on a computer you should be able to edit it right away, but on a phone you have to press the edit button in the top right corner. don't try to change the total pop number, change the permanent, semi-permanent and demi-human numbers. think of semi-permanent as people who have a time share in the city, or a summer/winter home, this could also include nobles who have estates outside the town, and also townhouses inside the town. let me know if it works

    Scott Anderson:
    +Lance Duncan Now it populates with different numbers than before, but it is static - the numbers don't change between clicks.

    Is there a way to make the whole .xls available rather than just the results sheet?

    Lance Duncan:
    +Scott Anderson you should be able to download it as an .xls file. If you have it open in Google Sheets, go to file>download as>microsoft excel

    Scott Anderson:
    +Lance Duncan I'm sorry. No luck. Must be an issue on my end
