17 April 2019

Academic Parochialism

Many people have a disdain for universities and "academia" in general. So when Alexis proposes a college level course on how to become a better DM, and then lays out in depth well researched course work, there are of course many adverse reactions. This is not helped the behavior of many academics which fuels this disdain in the first place. Here is a perfect example of how Academics should not behave. Too often well educated, intelligent people will be passive aggressive and behave like children on the playground who can't get along. Academia is supposed to be a place open to debate, there should be an encouragement to voice dissenting opinions. Well reasoned arguments should be a common occurrence among intelligent individuals. Instead there is tendency to reinforce the accepted dogma and not to challenge anything. This is why many people don't want D&D in school/college. They are afraid a dogma will form, and anyone who disagrees will be hushed into silence. Instead of being afraid of what Academia might do to our hobby we should be having intelligent discourse about the game so that the ideas developed by these arguments may be considered on par with Academic studies.


  1. Interestingly, there is already a dogma within D&D circles. There are those who to the company line; those who insist on "story" above role-play; and those who advocate for an "old school" approach. Seems like it's part and parcel with human nature; academic parochialism is just one more example of how people form ideas and cultures around those ideas.

    1. I think part of the problem is the venues we are using to propagate our ideas. We use blogs and forums and social media while academia has peer reviewed research articles in respected journals. A dogma has been allowed to develop because anyone can say anything and everyone has equal authority; it has come down to a popularity contest. If we had some neutral platform to propose hypotheses and if people put in the effort to do actual research, conclusions could be made and the game improved overall. sly flourish is the only one I'm aware of, aside from wotc, that has conducted decent surveys and analyzed them; this type of stuff is just the beginning of where we should be headed.
